switch languageDeutsche Webseite kostenlose Hintergrundmusik
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license free music for your homepageclick here to find out how it all began!

Hintergrundmusik ist GEMA-frei und vom Musiker Lizensiert - clicken sie hier um die Lizenzvereinbarung zu lesen!

We, the composers and musicians hereby declare:

  1. the use of our music files to be free of charge. No third party holds any rights or has been allowed to collect fees in our name, so our works may be used for any purpose, including backround music in videos or on homepages, as long as the following conditions have been fullfilled:
  2. If you use our music on a homepage or within a video, the Flowsdorf-Banner needs to be displayed next to the music player, informing visitors about the origin of the works and offering a link to www.funkhausflowsdorf.com. Within video, include FunkhausFlowsdorf.com in the trailor or credits text. Additionally, we recommend a link to or notification about this license, so no third party may be mistaken about the rightfulness of the use of our music!

In fact, everything necessary to have 100% free and legal music on your homepage is included in the html-player you may easyly grab here - just leave it as it is given, and everything is OK!

Our free of charge backround-music service is offered without any guarantee of functionality or any commitment concerning future availability! It may be discontinued any time without prior notification.

Background sound wanted?

free background sound
www.FunkhausFlowsdorf.com - fresh background music for your homepage!
this background sound is played under approval of the artist! click here to view terms of use!

If you are looking for free and legal background music for your homepage, get  the html-Code for your player  here!